Nanoflux is a device that can generate more than 60 million nanobubbles per cc using only water pressure without power.
How Nano-Flux Works
The water passing through the nanoflux swirls in a spiral as it collides with the fixed wings of the coma. As a result, water pressure alone causes the water to contain more than 60 million nanobubbles per cc. The centrifugal force of the nanobubbles makes it easier for them to spread evenly and densely. This is why we call them spiral nanobubbles.

※特許取得済 P2018-546053
What are nanobubbles?
Bubbles with a diameter smaller than 100 μm (= 0.1 mm) are called fine bubbles. Fine bubbles are also divided into microbubbles (bubbles between 1 μm and 100 μm) and nanobubbles (bubbles smaller than 1 μm) according to the size of the bubbles. Nanobubble bubbles are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye and the water appears clear, but the bubbles remain stable in the water and are expected to have a variety of effects. These fine bubble technologies are innovative technologies that Japan has discovered ahead of the rest of the world, and there is growing interest in them in various fields.

Bubbles are often seen in our daily lives. They quickly rise to the surface and burst.

They are small bubbles that slowly rise to the surface and disappear after a while.

Bubbles are small and invisible to the naked eye. Remains stable in the liquid for a long time.
Characteristics of nanobubbles
出典)経済産業省 九州経済産業局『ファインバブル活用事例集』より
Product specifications
Nano Flux
Outer diameter: 39 mm (diameter) x 240 mm (length)
Weight: 294g
Power: Water pressure (using 3 atmospheres of domestic water pipe)
Service life: 10 years (manufacturer’s guarantee: 5 years)
Generating system: Frame type
※特許取得済 P2018-546053

Pro Flux
Outer diameter: 62 mm (diameter) x 260 mm (length)
Weight: 674g
Power: Water pressure (using 3 atmospheres of domestic water pipe)
Service life: 10 years (manufacturer’s guarantee: 5 years)
Generating system: Frame type
※特許取得済 P2018-546053